Riverside Corporate Wellness Friday Fit Bit

Riverside Corporate Wellness (RCW), located in La Crosse, works with local businesses to incorporate wellness initiatives into the workplace.  One way they promote workplace wellness is through newsletters that share health, fitness, and nutrition related information. RCW has generously offered to share this newsletter content with us to pass on to FCC staff.  When you see the RCW logo on the right, you can expect to find useful information and tips to help you be well!  (RCW’s Friday newsletter is called Friday Fit Bit, but don’t worry, you don’t need to own a fitness tracker device!  It’s just a bit of info on staying fit.)

The first installment is below:

Finally! The weather has improved drastically over the last few weeks and has given us reason to become a little more active. There is a sense of lightness that didn’t seem to exist a few weeks ago and we look forward to getting out and about. When we look forward to doing something it is usually because we want to do it.  Desire often goes hand-in-hand with determination. Together they are quite powerful because they frequently make something happen.Take that desire and determination and apply it to making a change in your current level of physical fitness. Let the lightness you are experiencing be the catalyst for better things to come. Nothing drastic or ridiculous has to occur but something small and repetitious should occur for change to transpire.

No matter how slow you go, you are lapping everybody on the couch. – Author Unknown

  • Aerobic activity uses the large muscles groups over an extended period of time in which oxygen is used to produce energy.  Walking or biking and breathing moderately heavy but still breathing.
  • Anaerobic exercise uses muscles at such a high level of intensity, in which the body is demanding and producing much needed energy, in the absence of oxygen.Sprinting or very hard effort exercise and gasping for breath.
  • Aerobic capacity is the highest amount of oxygen consumed during maximal exercise efforts by the large muscles of the body.
  • Cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel during sustained physical activity and to eliminate fatigue products after supplying fuel.

The duration of activity is dependent on aerobic capacity and cardiorespiratory endurance. Regular aerobic activity training will condition the body to endure longer periods of exercise. As tolerance (capacity) increases, so too will endurance (duration). Slowly (re)acquaint yourself with recreational activity in reasonable doses to avoid the risk of injury and to help develop the desire to want to do it again and again and again.

This time of year is wonderful because what was old has become new again. There are so many different recreational activities right outside our door. This geographic region of the river and the bluffs truly offers something for everyone; walking and hiking outdoors, riding bikes, gardening, geocaching, playing at the park, local running events, kayaking, and (eventually) swimming!

Remember that something is better than nothing. One step at a time is the best place to begin because every step is forward progress so step outdoors and see where your lightness takes you.

You only regret the workouts you don’t do.  –Author Unknown