November Celebrations

Employee Date of Birth Program
Alisha Cox 11/2 CSP, BRF
Wendy Watkins 11/13 Independent Living
Aileen Abliss 11/17 OP Winona
Tanya Rubick 11/21 CSP, La Crosse
Mia Williams 11/25 Safe Visitation
Jenny Cain 11/27 CSP, Viroqua
Chandra Frydenlund 11/27 Development
Ellen Hongerholt 11/29 Developement




Employee Date of Hire Years of Service Program
Nikita York 11/2 1 Safe Visitation
Lilly Chiaro 11/13 2 CSP & IPS, BRF
Alyssa Razskazoff 11/16 1 Safe Visitation
Melissa Duin 11/18 29 HR