New Employees October 11, 2021

Wendi Arlt    Adminstrative Assistant, CSP La Crosse

Wendi comes to FCC with experience at a few nonprofits, and enjoys being part of a team that is helping others. She is originally from the east coast – Sheboygan – and found this opportunity on Indeed. Wendi likes being on the water and river cruising with her husband. She is also active in her church, particularly their program Celebrate Recovery.








Krystyna Szymaniak      Monitor, Supervised Visitation   

Krystyna – pronounced CHRIS tin uh – has had prior exposure to FCC as a client of Kip Zirkel. She credits him for the good work he has done and also with kindling her interest in psychology. She completed that undergraduate degree at St. Mary’s and is going into a master’s program in counseling. Krystyna loves being outdoors and is something of an herbologist -she filled us in on the value of taking primrose at bedtime. Ask her about it!








Tiffany Young     Case Manager, CSP La Crosse 

Tiffany’s initial knowledge of FCC came from passing the Youth Home on Losey Boulevard, but was ultimately influenced by an FCC rep who spoke at one of her classes a number of years ago. Tiffany is licensed both as a nurse and a social worker having most recently been a case manager in support of World Trade Center survivors. That work was all done by telephone and she is looking forward to having a more direct relationship with clients. Tiffany was born in Germany as a military family member, and as a kindergartner she attended 3 different schools in 3 different states!