COVID Update

The COVID pandemic is not truly over. While many aspects of our lives may have transitioned and improved, the news tells us that transmission and positive test results have peaked again in our area. With that in mind, here are some reminders of things you should be doing to mitigate the spread for yourself, your clients and your coworkers.

  • Social distance as much and whenever you can. It seems the majority of spread is from other people so please do your part.
  • Do not come to work if you have symptoms. We count on each other to make good decisions when you do not feel well.
  • Return to work requirements have not changed, and a doctor’s note is not required to return to work. However, please do not return to work until you have been asymptomatic for 24 hours without medication.
  • Wear a mask in situations in which it makes you feel more comfortable. Masking is not mandated but has been shown to be helpful in some settings and for some people.
  • Get tested if you are in doubt. The agency has a supply of tests for home use so please contact HR if you need a home test.
  • Frequent handwashing is still advised. and the agency still has protocols in place for enhanced cleaning. Materials are still in place in conference rooms so please remember to clean before you leave.

This is a very contagious virus, and testing positive has affected people regardless of their behavior, vaccination status, etc. We have ways to minimize the likelihood of becoming infected and hope we can count on each other do our part. Thanks in advance for your continued cooperation!